*7. Error codes
0x1200 Read_timeout: Timeout exception during a read request. The rest of the ERROR message body will be <cl><received><blockfor><data_present> where: <cl> is the consistency level of the query having triggered the exception. <received> is an int representing the number of nodes having answered the request. <blockfor> is the number of replica whose response is required to achieve <cl>. Please note that it is possible to have <received> >= <blockfor> if <data_present> is false. And also in the (unlikely) case were <cl> is achieved but the coordinator node timeout while waiting for read-repair acknowledgement. <data_present> is a single byte. If its value is 0, it means the replica that was asked for data has not responded. Otherwise, the value is != 0.
*4.2.6. EVENT
*4.1.6. EXECUTE
*4.1.7. REGISTER
Make a FrameHeader corresponding to this Stream
*4.1.5. PREPARE
*4.1.4. QUERY
*6. Collection types
Map: a short n indicating the size of the map, followed by n entries. Each entry is composed of two [short bytes] representing the key and the value of the entry map.
Set: a short n indicating the size of the set, followed by n elements. Each element is [short bytes] representing the serialized element value.
*4.1.3. OPTIONS
*4.2. Responses