Value | Meaning |
serverError0x0000 | |
protocolError0x000A | |
badCredentials0x0100 | |
unavailableException0x1000 | |
overloaded0x1001 | |
isBootstrapping0x1002 | |
truncateError0x1003 | |
writeTimeout0x1100 | |
readTimeout0x1200 | |
syntaxError0x2000 | |
unauthorized0x2100 | |
invalid0x2200 | |
configError0x2300 | |
alreadyExists0x2400 | |
unprepared0x2500 |
0x1200 Read_timeout: Timeout exception during a read request. The rest of the ERROR message body will be <cl><received><blockfor><data_present> where: <cl> is the consistency level of the query having triggered the exception. <received> is an int representing the number of nodes having answered the request. <blockfor> is the number of replica whose response is required to achieve <cl>. Please note that it is possible to have <received> >= <blockfor> if <data_present> is false. And also in the (unlikely) case were <cl> is achieved but the coordinator node timeout while waiting for read-repair acknowledgement. <data_present> is a single byte. If its value is 0, it means the replica that was asked for data has not responded. Otherwise, the value is != 0.
0x2000 Syntax_error: The submitted query has a syntax error. 0x2100 Unauthorized: The logged user doesn't have the right to perform the query. 0x2200 Invalid: The query is syntactically correct but invalid. 0x2300 Config_error: The query is invalid because of some configuration issue 0x2400 Already_exists: The query attempted to create a keyspace or a table that was already existing. The rest of the ERROR message body will be <ks><table> where: <ks> is a string representing either the keyspace that already exists, or the keyspace in which the table that already exists is. <table> is a string representing the name of the table that already exists. If the query was attempting to create a keyspace, <table> will be present but will be the empty string. 0x2500 Unprepared: Can be thrown while a prepared statement tries to be executed if the provide prepared statement ID is not known by this host. The rest of the ERROR message body will be [short bytes] representing the unknown ID.