
2.2. flags

Flags applying to this frame. The flags have the following meaning (described by the mask that allow to select them): 0x01: Compression flag. If set, the frame body is compressed. The actual compression to use should have been set up beforehand through the Startup message (which thus cannot be compressed; Section 4.1.1). 0x02: Tracing flag. For a request frame, this indicate the client requires tracing of the request. Note that not all requests support tracing. Currently, only QUERY, PREPARE and EXECUTE queries support tracing. Other requests will simply ignore the tracing flag if set. If a request support tracing and the tracing flag was set, the response to this request will have the tracing flag set and contain tracing information. If a response frame has the tracing flag set, its body contains a tracing ID. The tracing ID is a uuid and is the first thing in the frame body. The rest of the body will then be the usual body corresponding to the response opcode.

The rest of the flags is currently unused and ignored.

struct FrameHeader
